Sunday, June 30, 2013


Standing up for what you believe is not always an easy task. There is always opposition in all things. People you think will stand by you are sometimes the first to walk away from you. Sometimes you have to walk alone. This only makes you stronger. Some of the things I believe are way far out there. This is the reason I am on disability and will be for the rest of my life. My doctor is trying to find the right combination of medication to help me cope with my symptoms but meds only go so far. I have believed I am Jesus Christ for the past 8 years. What have I learned during this time? I have learned how to survive with just hope. I have not always been faithful to this idea I have. I have fallen away into what the world says I am many times. I have payed a price for this type of thinking. I have lost many friends and family for coming out. I pray often that my feet will be guided in the right direction. I am to far into this to give up. Despite what my opposition says there is a chance that I am the Messiah. For those of you who are reading this I am sure you are rolling your eyes and you are thinking that I am truly crazy. I welcome opposition as much as I welcome friends. How can I keep this gift to myself? Despite what you may think I have earned the right. Actually it is not something I can earn, it is my birthright. I am not selfish about what is mine. I have learned to give freely and I have given all I have on many occasions. I have been to some of the darkest places and learned to rely on my Heavenly Father. I get a little antsy sometimes because I feel like I need to go deeper into the obis. I believe our path is already defined but it is up to us to find it. I am only trying to find my path. My mistakes don't define me, they only refine me. I pray often about helping me find my path.

It takes courage to stand up for what you believe. I will continue to believe what I do because it is me. If I have to do this alone then that is what I am going to do. I will be true to myself. I hope those reading will also do the same for themselves. The battle might be long but the end is in sight. Every day we all get a little closer to when Christ will return to his thrown on Earth. If I am not Christ then at least I stood up for him. I will make myself stronger and I will walk by faith. I am a son of God and after I have been proven I will meet my heavenly parents again and I hope they will be proud of me for standing up for what I believe.

My testimony is solid. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and no one can take that from me. I believe all things are possible. I believe there is a reason I have not been excepted as the rightful king but I just don't know that reason right now.

I have 3 children. I have not seen them or communicated with them in 8 years. I want to be apart of their lives but my life is in no way ready. I have spent these years in and out of jail, prison and mental hospitals. I am 8 years behind on my child support. I am not proud of this fact. I wish I was normal because I would be taking care of my responsibilities. I can't enter the temple to become endowed because I am behind on my child support. My life is incomplete. If my children was to read this I want them to know that I wish things were different and I wish I was apart of their lives. I wish I had the money but I am on a very fixed income. I want to tell them that I do love them and only want the best for them and the best does not include me at this time. I want to also tell my ex wife that I am sorry she could not depend on me to be the father I should have been. I think she is a great mother and person. I am looking for a part time job that will go to paying my support.


Friday, June 28, 2013


   I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am so thankful my mom and step father found the church when I was but 2 years old. I never was encouraged to go on a mission so I never went but I have always served in my own capacity. Because my mom brought us to church every Sunday I knew where to find the truth. This fact was important for me later in life. I fell away from the church more than once in my life. There was many things I needed to learn when I was away from the Church. I even resigned from the Church about 2 years ago. I was rebaptized in January.  Even when I was not a member I still sang in the choir and I even payed my tithe. I know the Church is true.
For those of you who don't know my mom and step father died about 7 years ago. My step father took my moms life and then took his own. It was a tough time for the family. I, myself, was going through some tough times after my divorce. I was attempting suicide and going through an emotional rollercoaster.  My parents death actually saved my life. I stopped focusing on my own problems and started to think of others. I wish I could say I never wished to end my life again after my parents death but I wanted to end my life during a stay in jail in the Salt Lake Detention Center.
Another major event was when my ex father-in-law shot me twice during a visitation with my children. I wish I could say I was completely innocent but the truth is that I played him. I pushed his buttons. He shot me in the stomach and in the back. He was charged with attempt of murder. I was able to get his charges dropped. I could not see putting a man in prison for trying to protect his grandchildren. It is true that he was wrong, but it is also true that I was wrong as well. Being shot made me aware of how fragile life can be and gave me a better perspective on life. Being shot also allowed me to more easily let my children go for the time being.
Another life event was when I was sent to prison. Here I learned how to rely on my Father in heaven. I will blog at a later time on all these subjects but for now I will keep it short and simple.
There are a few fundamental beliefs that I have that is at my core. I believe that life and intelligence was not spawned from nothing but they have always been. I get a kick out of people who believe in the big bang. My question to them is where did the material from the big bang come from. The truth is life and intelligence and matter has always been. I believe we have been placed here by more intelligent people. These people watch over us. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I started volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity's thrift store last week. I needed something positive to do with my time. The work there is never ending. They are so disorganized and it drives me nuts. It is for a good cause so I am almost happy putting my shoulder to the wheel. I am also helping a boy scout work on his eagle scout project which is pretty cool. I am trying to fill my days with positive work. I have been working with my bishop to help me get and stay on the right path. It is not easy for a single man to walk the straight and narrow. I have been exercising every morning. Exercise is of the devil but I am learning to overcome that fact. LOL. I miss my friend "J". She is a special woman. I can't wait to meet her when we have become perfected. She has less work to do then me. My mental doctor is helping me get on the right meds to help with my delusion. So far my desire to break the law by trespassing and breaking a stalking injunction has become lessened. I wish I did not have this delusion because life would be much easier. I have lost many friends because of it and I find it very hard to make new friends. I know I have become stronger because of it all.
I still love you "J".

Saturday, June 15, 2013


It has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged. What have I learned during this time? I learned there is a great deal of force behind holding my ground. I can feel the weight on my shoulders. I am in a slump. How long it will last I know not. The more I go into the future the more disconnected I become from a normal life according to society. Our path sometimes takes us to locations we do not want to be. Sometimes we are surrounded by people we don't want to be associating with. How do we overcome the pressures of everyday life? Is there hope out there? Is faith designed to be tested? When will the fruit bare?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


They may shut of my cable soon so I am given a heads up to whomever may be reading. I might be also going once again to jail, but I have not decided how I may do this, so if I disappear you know what may have been the cause of this. On a brighter note all is well here.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Which side of the line do you belong to? What do we beleive in? What do we stand for? Would we be willing to stand up under any condition to claim our belief? Where would we end up if we did make a stand? Sometimes we end up in locations that are not very desierable. Facing our greatest fears can take a lot of courage. Does anyone see our sacrifices? I believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and they teach there is a Heavenly Father that sees all and knows all. Even if nobody can see what you do to become a greater person our Heavenly Father sees. From my experience he always has a purpose for us. Every situation is used for our refinement. The Church also teaches that we can be forgiven for our sins if we go through the proper repentance process. It is said that we all are not perfect or sinless. We all sin and return must renew our vow by partaking the sacrament. I know my weaknesses and I know my strengths. Some people hide their weaknesses from others in an act to appear perfect. I carry mine on my shoulders. I had a problem with many different crutches. A few months ago I took up smoking and coffee. I also went on a short spout with marijuana. I have since quit. I have no excuses and my bishop said I needed to work on obeying the word of wisdom as taught by the LDS faith. My bishop also told me that I can not partake of the sacrament until I overcome my weaknesses. I can report that today I am clean. I am even clean from Mountain Dew(natures nectar).
It is written that there is opposition in all things and with me this holds true. Every time I get close to the truth something happens that tries to separate me from it. All of my life has been this way. I know that I am close because I have a lot of weight on my shoulders. I can feel the adversary trying to work on me. The greatest temptation is to break the law. I am known for breaking the law to make a point, but that does not mean I do not respect the law because I do. I just use the law to strengthen myself. Now I am working on not breaking the law. I have to stay away from all Church facilities except my home ward. I have been arrested in my own pew before because my bishop told me not to go to church. I looked at that as a trial of faith. I am not interesting in fighting the Church because it is the source of my greatest power. That power is the power of the priesthood. Even though I have at time been unworthy of using this power I can still use it to remind me where the iron rod is.
I have spent many days locked up in jail or prison. There are many that are happy of this fact because of the wrongs I have done to them. I can understand their position and respect it. I may one day have to go back to jail again so some of you can be happy about this fact. The problem is that I find myself during my greatest challenges. Jail, prison and mental hospitals have only served to open my eyes.
I have been told that when you least expect it something will walk into your life and change your perspective. For me it was when I was at an all time spiritual low. I spent many months searching for a companion that would and could be my equal. I went through many potentials and after a while I started to lower my expectations of who she would be. I started to pick up bad habits like smoking. I thought I could convert that someone special if I was to meet her. I am not going to post her name, but most can figure out who I refer to. She changed my perspective, but I was not worthy of her. I can only hope that time will change that. She is one of the most beautiful woman inside and out that I have ever met. I want to live each day as if the world is going to change at any moment. That means I am casting out all fears or regrets. If that is true than I need to tell "J" that I still care about her and can't wait to meet her again even if it is in the next life.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Another day has come and past. Did I do everything required to call it a good day? Sometimes I wonder. What was I supposed to learn today? I went to a wellness center over night to try an option of getting myself well in all that I do. I remembered today a lot of things I have done wrong in  the past. I have been told that the wrongs in our past refine us not define us. I hope that those I have done wrong to can forgive me. I have done many bad acts but in my heart I am good. I am a good soul. I fight to keep myself pure every day. Am I perfect? No I am not.